Thursday, February 18, 2010

semester 2 blog 6


"I got her! If ever a man got a does of the spirit, I got her! Got her all of a flash!"
"His movements were jerky and quick."
"I'll be aroun' till hell freezes over. There ain't nobody can run a guy name of graves outa this country. An' they ain't done it neither."
"I tell ya, men, I'm stayin'. They aint gettin' rid a me. If they through me off, ill come back....I ain't a-goin'. My pa come here fifty years ago. An' i ain't a-goin'."

These quotes show that Muely is a crazy red neck. Since he did not come into contact any with people due to the fact he was on the run from the cop, so this caused him to go a little insane in the membrane.

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